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Your bibliography is empty.

To add a source, paste or type its URL, ISBN, DOI, PMID, arXiv ID, or title into the search box above

Cite Anything

ShyBib helps you build a bibliography instantly from any computer or device, without creating an account or installing any software. It’s brought to you by the team behind Shy Editor, the powerful intelligent writing environment recommended by thousands of students worldwide, so you can trust it to help you seamlessly add sources and produce perfect bibliographies. If you need to reuse sources across multiple projects or require a tool to write your project from start to finish, we recommend using Shy Editor instead.

Adding a bibliography entry

Simply find what you’re looking for in another browser tab and copy the page URL to the ShyBib search bar. ShyBib can automatically pull in data from newspaper and magazine articles, library catalogs, journal articles, sites like Amazon and Google Books, and much more. You can also paste or type in an ISBN, DOI, PMID, or arXiv ID, or you can search by title.

Style selection

Format your bibliography using APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard, or IEEE.

Manual entry

If automatic import doesn’t find what you’re looking for or you’re entering something without a URL or identifier, you can enter the reference information by hand.

Copy Citation / Note

As you’re writing, you can quickly generate parenthetical citations or footnotes /endnotes to paste into your document without typing names or dates by hand.

Bibliography title

To rename your bibliography, just click its title. A title can be useful if you’re switching between multiple projects or sharing a bibliography with others.


When you’re done, you can copy a formatted bibliography to the clipboard and paste it into your document. You can also export to a RIS, CSL JSON or BibTeX file to import into a reference manager or into your Shy Editor project.

Editing an item

You might need to add or change a few fields after adding an item. Click on a bibliography entry or on the Edit icon to make manual changes.


ShyBib automatically saves your bibliography to your browser’s local storage — you can close the page and return to it anytime. (If you’re using private/incognito mode in your browser, your bibliography will be cleared when you close the window.)

Deleting items

Click the Remove icon under the bibliography entry to delete it. To start a new bibliography, click Delete Bibliography to remove all entries.

Link to this version

If you want to edit your bibliography on another device, share it with someone else, or switch to another bibliography, you can generate a link to a copy of the current version on Use the link to retrieve your bibliography later.